
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Further to Market Segmentation

It's worth noting that no amount of analysis and research is likely to change the cold hard facts: that there are more individual humans trying to sell Fine Art Photographic Prints than there are individual humans wiling to buy them, at any price. I think this may be literally true.

This is gonna push the prices downwards.

Which means that in order to sell prints for more than a few cents, you've got to skirt around the realities of the supply and demand curves somehow. The tourist-targeted hard sell gallery is a good example of this. Essentially, you lie about both supply and demand, and use various psychological tricks to produce an impulse buy.


  1. Further Hey.....

    Please delete my comment. I hadn't read the Market Segmentation post. It fell below the scroll point on my display. Scrub it.

    1. Scrubbed per request!

      I didn't think there was anything wrong with it, tho!

  2. Hmm, so maybe I should storyboard a video revealing the torturous agony I go through to make a shot of this scantily clad tattooed brooding young brunette .. wait we start with my vision of the shot, corrupt the young beauty, film the elaborate body painting over an eight month period. Gritty scenes done late at night with neon all round. Include the back story of her dropping out of collage, starting on drugs etc., Then a series of in van shots, mostly done in the rear view mirror, half muttered as static lased country music blends with the engine noise as I scour for "The" right location. This goes on for a while ... you get it. At a peak moment a blinding flash that melds with rapid fire snippets from all that has taken place thus far ... dissolve to ECU of my iris, lid blinks a reflection of a print appears. Intrusive voice, perhaps Matthew Mcconaughey, says the shot, the man, the moment, available now in limited edition! You Will Want This Print! ... here we cut to me in a brick factory studio setting with 5 prints ... Matthew comes back in "There are only a few left .. there will be no more!" I then pull the card from the camera and destroy it with a blowtorch, turn back to the camera, place it on the anvil and flames engulf it. Matthew repeats "You Will Want This Print" as an unlisted phone number scrolls on screen over a shot of the semi close up of a tattoo reflected in the muddy side mirror of a junked 18 wheeler in a desert junkyard.
    So something like that maybe for the faux supply and demand psychological trick thing? Or is that slight overkill and I'm not sure how to get the promo piece in front of the right eyes, so I'm kinda back where I started even if you do think this would work. Hmmm,

    1. As a lead video for a kickstarter, it could be a killer! What on earth you'd do as a print to follow up, though, I got no idea.

      I'm thinking a one inch square prints at 50,000 dpi. Nudes do best.

  3. Maybe a Ming T ultra print?
    Just joking

    1. I think Wille is on the button. ... A one inch ultra print of our tattooed nymph behind a giant block of ice ... Ultra Print because no on actually knows what that is which makes quality control a breeze. It could come matted in a 20 x 20 frame, glossy black only. And you have to buy a password for a chance to buy one. How'we doing on the marketing angle?

  4. @ BPete: "dropping out of collage". I'm going to steal that.

  5. Yeah and it was a four year collage at that. Hmm, I think it works better in this film as a collage after all.
