
Sunday, August 2, 2020

Looking for Readers

I have been humbled by the response here. Thank you, everyone. I do not require further readers, but if you are interested I will happily send you a copy anyways.

I have this goddamned manuscript, about 14,000 words (a little shy of 40 pages) of shit on "how we construct meaning when we look at pictures" which longish time readers will have seen before. This is more or less a single extended argument with a beginning, middle, end, all that business. More structured, more carefully copy edited, and I think it might be more readable than my usual blog posts (albeit considerable longer).

It is the worst possible length. Too long for a journal article, and too short for a book. But there it is, that's how long my brain is.

If you'd like to volunteer to give it a read-over, I can send you a PDF. Typos, clumsy phrasing, this makes no goddamned sense, this is a terrible idea all gratefully received.

Also the phone number and extension of any publishers you thing might take a flutter on the next Camera Lucida.

Drop me an email if you're interested.


  1. I have a blurb for the jacket:

    "This little book easily pounds photoland's twitter mob into a dead, quivering thing."

    1. I have toyed idly with the idea of ludicrous or combative fake quotes on the back cover. Not sure that would be a smart marketing move, but it would be funny!
