
Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Something (Really Very NSFW) To Look At

Here's a magazine cover from someplace in Germany I guess. Below the fold because it's super-explicit closeup of childbirth with all, or rather almost all, that implies.

Ok, so it's pretty raw, pretty wet, pretty sticky, pretty intense. I've been around for a few of these and the vibe is almost right. On a scale of 1 to 10, where my experience is 10, this is maybe a 7.

If I have this right, we're looking at squatting woman from behind, as she literally expels a baby from her womb. Right?

This is getting a certain amount of traction as a very real, very intense, image. We're seeing the reality here and damn the taboos. This is certainly what they're going for.

Gird your loins and put your pants on, go in and look closely. Notice anything strange?

Yes, you are correct sir. The photoshopped out her fucking anus. She has no anus.

Call me a pervert, but having noticed this as a possibility, I simply had to inspect more closely. Here's the, uh, critical region, with a mild curves adjustment to try to open up the shadows a little to see if there's any anatomy hiding in there.

What fresh hell is this? Holy shit. Look, when you're bearing down, that orifice can... flare out a bit. It is maybe pretty dramatic in the original photo. But to erase her asshole seems insane to me, and doubly so when you're striving for some sort of "raw, real, screw taboos, we're all in" vibe.

I don't know if this is the most fucked up thing I have every seen, because I have seen some shit, but wow.


  1. Hang on, didn't JC just post an interview on his blog with some photographer who's been censored AF on IG?

    1. Apparently it's the buttholes that trigger the censorship.

    2. Yeah I dunno, didn't read it too closely but I think the main beef was with nipples? My point is blog post: IG is horrible, messed up BS (agreed, FB, duh). Next day: it's all oooh cool lookit what I found on IG!

  2. This is the visual equivalent of bleeping out swearwords in song lyrics. Either leave them in, or sing something else is my take on that.

  3. Remember when your entire country lost its mind for 2 months because a woman's nipple was exposed during a Super Bowl halftime show while NFL cheerleaders did squats in tight shorts all season long.

  4. Oh dear. The OB-GYN textbook photo illustrations are being dumped on the open market.

    1. Art that relies on defying taboos is tedious, and has been tedious for a century at least. Literally nobody cares about why taboo you're breaking in your art.

      Not to say you can't do it, or shouldn't, but it cannot be the motive force that powers your work.
