
Monday, May 8, 2023

Confidential To Recent Commenter!

Hey, I didn't publish your comment for complicated reasons, but I'd like to hear from you and try to work something out. I sympathize. Shoot me an email at if you'd like to. Or not, it's your choice!


  1. Every time AM tweets about AI, another photoland idiot publishes a photo book. MAKE IT STOP!!!

  2. How will the person know to come forward? Narrow it down?

    1. it's the only non-spam comment I've failed to moderate through in several years.

    2. So a regular commenter? What was the general content of the comment? How would the commenter know it wasn't published? There has to be a better way to communicate this...

    3. Not a regular commenter, an anonymous rando venting about a real gripe but in a way I wasn't really ok with publishing. Likely they checked back to see if they'd been published, although they may have bailed in a huff as soon as they saw it would be moderated.

      This posting was largely a test to see if they'd spend a moment reading the blog, or whether it was just a one-time drive-by. It looks like it was a drive-by?

      Either is was a one-time deal, in which case I don't care at all, or they got their anger out writing the comment and now are in a better place, in which case, good!

    4. I have literally no way to identify anons (like, for example, you) so I have no other way to communicate with commenters. If I decline to publish a comment (as noted, an incredibly rare event) I obviously can't even reply.

    5. Makes sense. I hate a mystery! Must have been a decent rant to warrant the follow up post here, despite whatever controversy you weren't comfortable with. Are we allowed to know the gist? Was it too political?
