
I occasionally do fairly long form criticism, and people seem to like that material. Maybe better than anything else I do, which makes sense, because most of the rest if just idiotic snarking off. Thought I'd collect the good stuff in one place, where it can be accessed handily.


Endless Plain by Tony Fouhse
Eid al-Adha on expired film by James Cockroft
Being Inbetween by Carolyn Mendelsohn
London by Paul Halliday
London by Gian Butturini
Extinction Party by Jonathan Blaustein
Tokyo Likes You by Dan Ryan
American Origami by Andres Gonzales
when we lie down, grasses grow from us by Karolina Gembara
Kleinstadt by the Mahlers
Hereafter by Federico Clavarino
Monsanto by Mathieu Asselin
On the street: India by Andy (ATMTX PHOTO)
Camera Lucida by Roland Barthes (or, what is punctum anyways?)
Thicket by David Smith
Metropole by Lewis Bush
Minamata by W. Eugene and Aileen Smith

Other projects:

"the promise of a better world?" by Frédérick Carnet
"The Last First Day" by Frédérick Carnet
"1000 Crossings" by Sally Mann
Cindy Sherman

There's more but these are kind of the high points, I think.

1 comment:

  1. "The Sweet Flypaper of Life" by Langston Hughes (prose) and Roy de Carava (photography). A Harlem story.
