If you find the previous remarks puzzling, you should know this: If you write about photography on the internet, people who disagree with you will routinely demand to see your photographs. This is stupid, of course. One might talk about novel without having written one, a film without having directed. No, the point here is so that self-satisfied dunderheads who disagree with you can go and satisfy themselves that your photographs lack "critical sharpness" or some other stupid technical detail, and that therefore you are an idiot and wrong.
These links are for those people, so they can scratch their little itch and get the hell off my blog. You can feel free to click 'em too, though. It's a free country!
The End Of The Road Which Is Always Turning Back
Geometrical Bullshit
I Am A Snob
Here, Look at some Pictures, You Animals
Mist and Spirits
Some Pictures of Flowers
Moss Landing
Just Somethin'
More Work
that should fix you up.
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