Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Seriously, Lula?

As part of the Getting Back To The Print series, LuLa has published a Lightroom tutorial on Soft Proofing in Lightroom. In the form of a video.


Getting back to the Print, talking about color management, in a video that I will probably watch on my phone.

In what crazy universe does that make sense? True to form it's two portly aged white dudes essentially gossiping about random crap inside Lightroom.

I no longer think Phase One is trying to make anything of these guys. LuLa has given up, they didn't get the subscriber base they wanted, Michael's moved on, and now Kevin is using it as a platform to promote Kevin and Kevin's workshops. It's about 30 percent ads, 30 percent videos of Kevin gossiping about random BS with people, and the rest is written by other people on random topics, occasionally interesting. If you get one piece a month that you like, you're doing well.

As dozens of Michael's personal friends will angrily point out, for $1 a month even one article is worth it. ISN'T IT? ISN'T IT?


  1. I noticed that your handle has become innactive on the Lula forums. I thought that you left or, maybe, that Michael banned you for exposing his seedy business practices. Do you still have access to the videos, then?

    1. I still have the free account they gave to some subset of active forum participants.

      After getting in to it with Michael he gave me his usual 'you are one small step from a ban' for, I think, the third time. I chose to treat it as a ban, but I still look at the "member only" content from time to time.

  2. "True to form it's two portly aged white dudes essentially gossiping about random crap inside Lightroom."

    While here it's some white dude of indeterminate age and physique interminably raging against some Malaysian dude for reasons best known to himself and his therapist.

    1. See most recent post. You and Victor are no longer welcome to comment here. Read if you like, of course.

    2. Ericke, it is obvious you gave the most superficial skimming to this blog - perhaps you are a "TL;DR" reader, but before criticizing the author, please give him the decency to read him in deep. Thanks.
