Tuesday, October 2, 2018


What the hell are people saying about me on facebook? There's some crazy spike in traffic, apparently.

Nobody reads this blog, go away, or I will start wanting to monetize it.

Also, while you're here, Buy My Shit, you fucking peasants.


  1. Well, I have been completely off facebook now for a few years – so I haven’t a clue, but we do need you to stick around here. Your blog and Milnor’s are about the only ones that make any sense! 

  2. I discovered your blog 2 weeks ago, but from what I've read so far (including your Intermediate photography book) makes me double christian's comment hereabove

    1. Thank you as well ;)

      I don't think it's youse guys. Puzzling at my statistics page, it looks like someone posted something on facebook about Ming Thein and some things I have written about the fellow, and now 100s of punters are swinging by for a look. Makes me want to write something dense about Art.

  3. What specific meaning of “dense” did you have in mind? :-p

    1. Same thing I always mean! Long and undecipherably stupid!

  4. Hey. Do a review of Eric 'carlos slim' Kim's new photo critique website ars beta. Chock full of cognitive dissonance and the usual Kim sprinkle of turnip dust. You'll love it.
