Tuesday, May 5, 2020


This is the final version of my Sonata experiment, at least in the sense that I have no intention of tinkering with it further.

It arguably represents everything I know about sequencing. Make of that what you will. The price is a much more attractive $25, (formerly $10,000 for the version with inferior typography.) Buy it, or just flip through the preview. You might find something to like in it. It's a big world, full of possibility!

Sonata No. 1, "Clematis"

You're welcome.


  1. Nice sequence. The typography is a bit overpowering, like the chapters headings (I, II, III) could be 1/10th the scale used.

  2. Replies
    1. Err, thank you! Also, huh? And also, thank you again!

  3. Very nice. I felt the first movement ended with a big pronouncement. The third movement cast light all over my heart, and it felt real nice after the twinkling stars of the second. I guess it's acceptable for you to go ahead and write about photo books.

    1. Thank you, I take that as high praise!

    2. Writing about photo books is a two-edged sword. Both edges are dull. Very, very dull. Cf. jc.

  4. I received mine in the post over the weekend. I think using Sonata form as inspiration for sequencing absolutely works. It's a method that could be well used on any project. Was the vertical placing on the page meant to represent notes? something rather special here.

    1. Thank you!

      The spacing of pictures in general was very much by analogy with notes. I tried to create a pleasing curves of upward and downward motion, dynamics with size, and pacing with number of photos per page.

      I was definitely thinking about how music (simple music) looks on the page as I laid it out.
